How to Kill Maggots in Trash Can

Having maggots in trash cans can be an unpleasant and potentially hazardous issue. The Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at the University of Sheffield states that these creatures consume organic waste and decaying matter, thus posing a risk to one’s health. So how can you eliminate these filthy pathogens? Worry not, as we have the solution!

There’s nothing worse than lifting the lid on your bin, only to be greeted by a writhing mass of little guys. It’s enough to turn your stomach and send you running for the hills.

As a seasoned expert in maggot eradication (not to brag or anything), I’ve picked up a few tricks over the years. And today, I’m going to share them with you.

So buckle up, put on your hazmat suit, and get ready to say goodbye to those pesky maggots. Because we’re about to embark on a journey of trash can cleaning that will leave you feeling like a sanitation superhero. And who doesn’t want that kind of power?

What are Maggots?

According to the Warwick District Council, Maggots are the larvae of flies. Some species of flies lay eggs on decaying matter, such as rotting food, animal carcasses, and even human waste. When the eggs hatch, the maggots feed on the decaying matter in order to grow and develop.

They are white or yellow in color and can range in size from 1mm to a few centimeters long. They have no legs and move in a typical wriggling motion. Maggots have a three-part digestive system that helps them break down the decaying matter they consume.

Maggots are not just a nuisance; they are actually an important part of the ecosystem. They help to break down organic matter and recycle essential nutrients back into the soil. They are also an important food source for some animals, such as fish, birds, and small mammals.

Furthermore, these insects have been used in wound care for centuries. The process, known as maggot therapy, is used to treat chronic or non-healing wounds. These creatures are placed on the wound and allowed to feed on the dead tissue, helping to remove bacteria and promote healing.

Why Do Maggots End Up In Your Garbage Can?

Maggots typically end up in your garbage can due to the presence of decaying organic matter, such as food waste, which is an ideal breeding ground for these creatures. 

A female fly, often attracted by the smell of rotting food, will lay her eggs in or near the waste bin. The eggs hatch into maggots after a few days, and soon these insects are consuming the organic material, which is their primary food source. 

As they feed, they grow and eventually form pupae, which later emerge as adult flies. Therefore, the maggots in your garbage can are typically the larvae of the common house fly, which has adapted to living in close proximity to humans and takes advantage of our waste disposal habits.

How To Kill Maggots In Trash Can?

Maggots are unwelcome guests in your trash can, as they can create an unpleasant smell and attract other pests. Fortunately, there are several effective ways to exterminate these filthy pathogens in the garbage unit and get rid of them for good.

Using Household Cleaners

Household cleaners are a great way to kill maggots in a trash can. You can use a strong household cleaner such as Pine-Sol or Lysol to spray the inside of the waste bin, as well as the lid. Spray liberally and let it sit for several minutes, then scrub with a brush to remove any remaining maggots, eggs, and larvae.

Using Bleach

Killing these pesky creatures in your garbage unit is a breeze with bleach! To ensure your safety, make sure to use a diluted solution of bleach and water. For the best results, add some rubber gloves and goggles to your ensemble, and don’t forget to generously spray the insides of your trash can and lid. After a few minutes, take a brush and scrub away any remaining maggots, eggs, and larvae.

Using Vinegar

Eliminating maggot infestations in your garbage unit is as easy as dousing it with vinegar. The acetic acid present in the vinegar will act as a natural pesticide, quickly killing off any of these pathogens, larvae, and eggs.

Just fill up a spray bottle with vinegar and give the inside of the trash can and the lid a good spritz. Let this chemical sit for a few minutes, and then give it a good scrub to remove any remaining maggot nasties.

Using Salt

For the quickest way to get rid of maggots in a rubbish bin, salt is also answer.  All you need to do is get rid of the bag and sprinkle salt over the inside of the bin. Make sure to cover all surfaces, and leave it to sit for a few minutes. After that, simply rinse it off with some water, and voila.

Using Boiling Water

To get rid of these insects in your trash can, boiling water can be an effective solution. Just pour the hot water directly onto the maggots and leave it for a few minutes. The boiling water will cook them, ultimately killing them.

Using Diatomaceous Earth

To kill these creatures in your garbage can, start by emptying the bin and discarding the bag. Once that is done, sprinkle diatomaceous earth over all the surfaces inside the can. Let the powder sit for a few minutes before you empty out the bin. 

How To Prevent Maggots In Trash Cans?

Maggots in trash cans can cause a major inconvenience, and it is important to take the necessary precautions to prevent them from occurring. 

1. Empty Trash Bins Regularly – One of the best ways to prevent maggots in trash cans is to empty them regularly. This will prevent the accumulation of food and other organic materials, which these insects need to survive.

2. Use A Plastic Liner – Using a plastic garbage bag or liner can help to keep the can clean and dry, again making it a less attractive place for maggots to live.

3. Use Insecticides – The application of a chemical insecticide or pesticide can be effective in eliminating maggots and preventing them from reproducing in your trash can.

4. Employ Natural Repellents – Another way to repel maggots from a trash can is to use natural repellents, such as vinegar or orange peels.

5. Clean the bin Regularly – It is important to clean the trash can regularly in order to avoid the presence of maggots. To do so, a mixture of bleach and water can be used to disinfect the bin and eliminate any of these existing pests.

6. Place A Lid – If a trash can has an airtight lid, it is much less likely to attract maggots as they will not have access to the oxygen they need to survive.


What kills maggots permanently?

The only effective way to kill maggots permanently is to use boiling water, or a disinfectant like bleach, vinegar, or insecticide. Boiling water should be poured directly onto these insects to ensure they are submerged and exposed to the boiling water for several minutes. 

If using bleach, vinegar, or insecticide, the chemicals should be sprayed directly onto them until they are soaked. These chemicals will kill the maggots on contact.

How do I keep flies and maggots out of my trash can?

To keep flies and maggots out of your trash can, choose a covered bin with a tight-fitting lid. Make sure to empty the bin regularly and keep it clean.

Additionally, you can use an air-tight bag to line the inside of the bin, and place bags of ice or frozen food in the bin to keep the temperature lower and discourage pests. 

Consider adding a few drops of essential oil such as lavender oil, citronella oil, or tea tree oil to the inside of the bin to deter pests, as well.

Will Maggots Die in the Sun?

Maggots can die in the sun due to heat and light. The process is called desiccation, which is the loss of water from an organism. They are susceptible to dehydration and can dry out if exposed to direct sunlight for too long. It is also possible for them to die from being cooked alive in direct sunlight.

Does Garbage Man Take Garbage with Maggots?

Yes, garbage collectors will usually take garbage with maggots as long as it is securely and properly bagged. They typically won’t open the waste bags, so if they are contained within the sealed bag, then they will take the bag and dispose of it in the appropriate manner. Also, to ensure these insects do not escape and cause a health hazard, it is best to double-bag the trash.

Final Verdict

Ultimately, maggots should never be taken lightly and should always be taken care of immediately if they appear in garbage cans. There are a variety of methods to eliminate them, depending on the size of the problem and the resources available.

However, the most effective and reliable method of removing these insects is to dispose of the trash and wash the inside of the can with a disinfectant solution. This method will ensure that the maggots are completely gone and that the trash can remains in a hygienic condition.

The simple steps outlined in this article should help you to quickly and effectively kill these filthy pathogens in your trash can and keep your home clean and free of these pests.

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