Can You Put Egg Shells In Garbage Disposal?

Can You Put Egg Shells In Garbage Disposal?

Do you find yourself standing in front of your garbage disposal, hesitating to toss your eggshells in the sink because you’re not sure if it’s safe? Or worse, have you already put them in, and now you’re dealing with clogged or damaged disposal? These common pain points can be frustrating and even costly. 

That’s not all – according to the National Library of Medicine, discarded eggshells can also attract vermin and their diseases, potentially creating bigger problems in other parts of your home.

But fear not, we’re here to help. In this blog post, we’ll give you the straight answers and expert advice you need to confidently handle eggshells and your garbage disposal. No more confusion, no more clogs, and no more stress. Let’s dive in and solve this problem once and for all.

Can You Put Egg Shells In Garbage Disposal?

It is not wise to put eggshells in a garbage disposal, as they can easily get stuck in the blades of the garbage disposal and lead to clogs and damage. Furthermore, they can be difficult to break down, resulting in a nasty odor that will linger in the disposal as they decompose.

To avoid such issues, it is best to dispose of these peels in the compost bin or throw them away in the regular garbage. This will not only prevent damage to the waste unit but also help to add vital nutrients and minerals to your garden soil. So, next time you’re about to put eggshells in the garbage disposal, think twice and choose a more eco-friendly option.

What Happens If You Put Eggshells Down A Garbage Disposal?

If you’re tempted to put eggshells down on your garbage disposal, think again! These delicate shells can wreak havoc on your plumbing and create clogs and mechanical issues. Here is what happens if you put these rinds down the waste unit: 

1. Clogging: One of the most common issues associated with putting eggshells down a garbage disposal is that they can easily clog the blades, which will prevent them from working properly. This is due to the hard outer shell of the egg which can get stuck in the blades.

2. Rusting: Another issue is that the calcium carbonate in eggshells can cause the blades to rust over time, as the calcium will bond with the metal and corrode it. This can cause the blades to become dull and ineffective, and can even lead to the blades breaking off entirely.

3. Smells: These peels can also cause unpleasant odors in your kitchen as they break down and decompose in the garbage disposal. The smell of rotten eggshells can be very difficult to get rid of and can become quite unpleasant for anyone who comes near the trash.

4. Attract pests: Additionally, eggshells can also attract pests such as cockroaches, rats, and other insects, leading to an infestation in your kitchen. They can also encourage the growth of bacteria and mold, which can make the area unhygienic.

Do Eggshells Sharpen Garbage Disposal Blades?

No, eggshells do not sharpen garbage disposal blades. While some people believe that putting these rinds down a garbage disposal will sharpen the blades, this is a myth. They are too soft to sharpen the blades and will actually clog the waste unit, potentially damaging the blades and motor.

The best way to keep your garbage disposal blades sharp is to use them regularly and to avoid putting hard or fibrous items down the disposal. This will help to prevent clogs and will keep the cutters working efficiently for a long time. Additionally, you can use a mixture of baking soda, vinegar, and hot water to clean the blades and freshen the disposal.

How To Dispose of Eggshells

Eggshells can be quite a nuisance when it comes to throwing them away, as they don’t easily decompose. However, there are several methods that can be used to make sure they are disposed of properly.

1. Composting

Eggshells are made of calcium carbonate, which is a great source of nutrients for compost piles. To compost them, simply rinse them off with warm water to remove any traces of the egg, and then crush them up into small pieces. Once crushed, add them to your compost pile, or bury them in the ground.

2. Feed it to Your Pets

You can add crushed eggshells to the food of your pet birds or other small animals such as chickens, hamsters, and guinea pigs. First, scrub the shells off with warm water, then smash them into small pieces before adding them to the food.

3. Use It for Gardening

According to Los Angeles Times, these peels can also be used for gardening purposes. To do this, rinse them off with warm water, and then bake them in the oven at 225 degrees Fahrenheit for about 20 minutes. Once cooled, you can crush them up and sprinkle them over your garden soil. This will provide beneficial nutrients for your plants.

4. Throw It in the Trash

If all else fails, you can always throw your eggshells in the trash. However, this is not the most eco-friendly option, so it should only be done as a last resort.

Final Verdict

In the end, it is clear that it is not recommended to put eggshells in a garbage disposal. Along with the potential for creating clogs and other serious issues, they can attract pests and insects, create an unpleasant smell, and potentially damage the blades and internal components of the disposal. 

However, if you are looking for ways to reduce waste and keep your waste unit running smoothly, the best options are to throw these rinds in the trash or compost them. This will not only help keep your disposal in good condition, but it will also reduce the amount of waste in the environment. Additionally, composting the eggshells can provide your garden with extra nutrients, which can lead to healthier plants and better yields.

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